Last Updated: June 21,2023

Our Privacy Policy was established on February 22nd, 2021 and will be updated as needed. This policy describes our
collection, usage and disclosure of personal data collected as it pertains to our core business interactions.

What we do:
We establish and build relationships with individuals and companies that have the potential to utilize the services in
which we provide. Our main service is twofold: to provide job services to potential candidates and to provide staffing
services to our clients.

Who we collect data from:
We define personal data as collected information about an individual who can potentially be identified from the data
that we have in our possession. We collect data from the following:
Candidates. This includes potential candidates and actively engaged candidates.
Placed Staff. This includes temporary or permanent placed staff at our client site.
Clients. This includes any potential, active or former companies that have or may use our services.
Vendors. This includes any vendors/partners that help support our business in any way.

Why we collect data:
• To provide services to our Candidates, Placed Staffed, Clients and Vendors (as described above).
• To maintain, fulfill, improve, and expand the services in which we provide.
• For recruiting and business development purposes.
• To provide excellent customer service

Data we collect:
We may collect the following information to provide, maintain, fulfill, improve, and expand the services in which we
provide. This includes:
From Candidates.
o Any contact or personal information such as name, phone numbers, email address, location and location
preference, resume, career history, rate/salary requirements and other information that you may
voluntarily provide to us. We will not use this information to discriminate in any way.
o Information public job boards, networking or social media sites or any third-party resource.
From Placed Staff.
o Everything under Candidates would apply to placed staff as well.
o Required Employment/Tax/Payroll/Benefits information that you provided to us directly.
From Clients.
o Any contact or personal information such as name, phone numbers, email address, location and other
information that you may voluntarily provide to us
From Vendors.
o Any contact or personal information such as name, phone numbers, email address, location and other
information that you may voluntarily provide to us

Who we share with:
• We absolutely do not sell any of the data we collect in any way. This includes the personal information for all
Candidates, Placed Staff, Clients, and Vendors. We will provide job services to Candidates which will include the 
sharing of your resume, contact information and anything else that may be relevant to a client when

Updates and information:
• MatchPoint Consulting Group has the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time. It will be reviewed in
February of each year and if you are interested in learning about any changes, please contact our COO and Chief Compliance officer directly via email.